Diarrhea in chickens and chicks is a very bad disease, Gastrointestinal diseases in birds are always accompanied by digestive disorders. Diarrhea in chickens is common and can have different origins. The most dangerous is if the cause is an infection, since in this case there is a risk of infection of a significant part of the bird population. In any case, treatment of diarrhea must be started immediately.
Diarrhea in chickens and adult hens usually occurs as a result of infectious diseases or feeding poor-quality feed. Only a veterinarian can determine the exact cause. If you suspect an infection, you need to take tests at the laboratory and adjust the treatment based on the results. Diarrhea in chickens and hens can also be a sign of worm infestation.
Why is diarrhea dangerous for broilers egg-laying chickens and crosses? As a result of the constantly irritated intestinal mucosa, chickens do not absorb nutrients, dehydration develops, which significantly reduces immunity and leads to intoxication of the body. This is a serious condition, as a result of which the bird dies if treatment is not started in time.
Based on the nature of the stool, one can assume why the disorder began and begin preliminary treatment before confirming the diagnosis.
White color
The reason for the coloring of chicken feces in a transparent white color can be a disease such as pullorosis. This is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium of the genus Salmonella. The pathogen affects the intestines and internal organs of chickens, and in hens, it can lead to the degeneration of ovarian follicles.
The source of infection is sick and recovered laying hens, which excrete the pathogen with their droppings and lay infected eggs.
Signs of the disease:
- indigestion;
- white coloration of feces;
- note a depressed state;
- developmental delay;
- the chicks stand with their eyes closed and their legs spread apart;
- breathe with their beaks slightly open;
- In adult hens, egg production decreases.
Treating sick birds is not cost-effective, so they are usually sent to slaughter.
Feces with blood are observed in coccidiosis. The disease is caused by a protozoan microorganism that affects the intestines of the bird. Mostly chickens up to 2 months of age are ill. Infection occurs when pecking food containing the pathogen.
Signs of the disease:
- weakness is observed in chicks;
- refusal to eat;
- low mobility;
- the droppings become liquid with an admixture of mucus and blood;
- The comb and earrings become pale due to gradually developing anemia.
In addition, bloody diarrhea in chickens may be evidence of injury to the cloaca or large intestine.
Brown diarrhea in chickens is caused by meiosis. The disease is caused by protozoan microorganisms of different types and parasitizes in the intestines of chickens. This disease is found everywhere, most often in the spring and autumn periods. Chickens become infected through contaminated bedding, feed, and water.
- the chicks sit in one place with their eyes closed;
- feathers ruffled;
- wings hanging to the floor;
- appetite is reduced or completely absent;
- dark brown stool with mucus.
The disease is determined based on the manifestations of the disease, and laboratory tests are also done to detect the pathogen.
It is better to treat eimeriosis at early stages. There are special drugs for this, so-called coccidiostatics.
If greenish diarrhea appears, infectious diseases such as pasteurellosis should be ruled out. The disease is transmitted from sick and recovered chickens, blood-sucking insects, and rodents. Bird feces should be submitted to a laboratory for analysis. If suspicions are confirmed, appropriate treatment is started.
In case of a negative result, the cause of such disorder is improper feeding of broilers or layers. This may be expired, spoiled, or too coarse to feed. Treatment of diarrhea begins with the use of adsorbents (activated carbon). Suspicious feed must be disposed of and only high-quality feed must be given.
Yellow diarrhea in chickens can be infectious or appear under unfavorable conditions. In the first case, it may be Gumboro disease. A laboratory study is mandatory, epizootological data and the results of pathological autopsies (if conducted) are taken into account.
Also, stress of any kind, hypothermia, and poor-quality feed can be the cause of yellow stool. Then the treatment of diarrhea comes down to the use of folk remedies and the elimination of the unfavorable factor.
How and what to treat with?
As a first aid, you can give chickens crushed activated carbon and rice broth. If the chickens’ diarrhea is not infectious, then a weak solution of potassium permanganate is poured into the drinking bowls for several days instead of regular water. It is also good to give chamomile broth.
Fermented milk products are introduced into the diet. Sick broilers or egg-laying chickens are kept separately. The chicken coop is disinfected with a solution of freshly slaked lime. Feeders and drinkers are treated with boiling water every day.
If you suspect that broilers have worms, you need to deworm the entire flock. Anthelmintics should be given before feeding.
Treatment of diarrhea is based on antibiotic therapy. Such effective drugs as kanamycin, polymyxin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline are used.
Levomycetin is one of the most affordable drugs and has a wide range of action. Treatment should be carried out in a course lasting 7-10 days. Levomycetin tablets are dissolved in water and added to drinking bowls.
However, for some infectious diseases, diarrhea in chickens must be treated with special medications that act on a specific pathogen.
During treatment, it is good to give probiotics for broilers and chickens of other productivity directions together with feed.
Preventive measures
The basis for preventing the occurrence of diarrhea is high-quality balanced feeding of chickens and adult hens, as well as compliance with zoohygienic requirements on the premises.
The main reason for infection of all young broilers is dirty and damp litter, so it should be changed as needed. It is also important to maintain the density of broiler chickens and layers in the poultry house.
The chicken coop must be properly ventilated, but there should be no drafts. The temperature is maintained at an optimal level, especially for broiler chickens.
It is advisable to purchase broilers and laying hens eggs for incubation from specialized poultry farms, as they can also be a source of infection.