Description and characteristics of the productivity of Maran chickens

The Maran chicken breed

The Maran chicken breed is excellent for producing both eggs and meat. These birds look impressive and can have different feather colors. Let’s take a closer look at this breed.


This breed is the result of French selection work that was carried out in 1895 in the city of Marans (from which the name of the breed came). Since the city is located in an area with harsh climatic conditions, Maran chickens have good resistance to bad conditions

The breed was awarded a gold prize at the La Rochelle exhibition in 1914 and has since become widespread in Europe. This cannot be said about Russia, since this bird is rarely bred here. However, recently there has been a tendency for the popularity of Marans to increase, especially in large poultry yards.

Description of the breed

Maran chickens are incredibly beautiful birds. They have different colors: from black with copper tan to silver and white. The most common representatives of Maran chickens are black and copper. The feathers of hens of this color are black with a gold necklace on the neck. Roosters have bright gold spots on the chest, and the feathers on the back are reddish. The tail is black with a blue tint.

There are Marans of silver-cuckoo coloring, and golden-cuckoo coloring is also not uncommon. The latter is highly valued among breeders, as the bird alternates black and golden feathers.

Wheat feather color is also popular. Roosters of this color have bright golden feathers on the neck and chest. Females are a pleasant yellow or golden-red color, sometimes even a brown shade.

There are also white Marans, which have no pattern on their feathers. The Columbian coloration is interesting when white birds have a black “necklace”.

The description of the Maran chicken breed allows us to highlight the following main features of this breed (see photo):

  • large sizes: an adult laying hen can weigh up to 3 kg, and a rooster – up to 4 kg;
  • orange-red eyes;
  • short tail hanging at a 45-degree angle;
  • tightly fitting feathers;
  • Light-colored legs with 4 toes that are well separated;
  • the outer part of the thigh is feathered;
  • elongated body shape and small head;
  • Roosters have lush plumage, especially in the neck area, and large earrings.

Maran chickens have several advantages over other breeds:

  • the quality of eggs and meat is among the highest;
  • do not require special maintenance conditions and tolerate adverse weather conditions well;
  • have strong immunity to various diseases.

A disadvantage of the breed may be minor difficulties during hatching when the chicks cannot break through the thick eggshell. If they are not helped, the chick may die.

Productivity characteristics

Maran chickens are bred both for eggs and meat. The weight of representatives of this variety is impressive, and the meat has excellent taste qualities.

Layers can lay about 150 eggs a year. They have a thick chocolate-colored shell. The eggs are quite large – 65-70 grams. Some scientists claim that pathogenic bacteria do not penetrate the eggs through the thick shell.

Their taste is considered to be the best. Experienced farmers claim that the darker the eggs of these birds are colored, the better and more pronounced their taste. That is why they try to provide the hens with the most favorable conditions to get high-quality eggs.

Maintenance and care

The following description of the rules for keeping Maran chickens can be given:

  • These active and mobile birds should spend a lot of time outdoors – their daylight hours in winter should not be less than 11 hours, in summer – as long as possible;
  • the bird’s enclosure is made very spacious;
  • high humidity in the chicken coop must not be allowed, and damp rooms must be thoroughly ventilated;
  • the room temperature should not fall below +15 ºС.


The diet of layers of this breed does not differ significantly from the diet of other domestic birds. The main menu is wheat or other grain and chopped greens. Special mineral and vitamin complexes can be added to the food. Calcium and shell rock are also necessary. You can give the bird meat and bone meal and boiled fish.


Farmers claim that Marans breed well in private poultry farms. The hens hatch eggs successfully, but in order not to take the hen out of the “working” state, you can use an incubator.

To hatch chickens, eggs with the darkest shells are usually selected, which results in chicks with the most characteristic features of the breed.

During hatching, chicks may have difficulty breaking the shell, which is famous for its strength. To facilitate the process, it is necessary to bring the air humidity in the room to 75%. In addition, during hatching, it is better to be nearby to be able to help the chick come into the world.

Reviews of Maran chickens are only positive. These birds combine royal beauty and grace with excellent productivity characteristics. It is only important to follow all the rules of keeping and feeding.

Maran chickens are bred both by incubation and under a broody hen. The incubation egg is selected as a dark-saturated color weighing 65-70 g. The biological material should not be older than 5-7 days.

After hatching, Maran chickens need additional light and warmth. The chicks are placed in a brooder, where they are kept for the first days of life.

Chickens up to three days of age are fed boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, sour milk, and greens. Then boiled millet or corn grits, boiled carrots are introduced into the diet.

Starting from the age of one week, chicks can be transferred to a starter feed, but the young should still receive protein food.

Two-week-old chicks are given a little fish or bone meal, which serves as a source of calcium for the chicks.

Young birds are gradually accustomed to the diet of adult birds from the age of 1.5 months.

Features of maintenance and care

The French Marans should be kept in a warm, dry, draft-free coop. The room should be ventilated or aired regularly.

The litter in the poultry house can be wood sawdust or straw. The floor covering is changed as it gets wet and dirty.

In the chicken coop, perches are made with a practical ladder, which will make it easier for the bird to climb up to its sleeping place.

In order for hens to maintain egg production in winter, daylight hours should be no shorter than 11 hours. Therefore, birds additionally need artificial lighting.


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